
Eduroam (Italian version) 

Service description and regulations

The GSSI adheres to the Eduroam (Education Roaming) project for the roaming of wi-fi users belonging to universities / research institutions in Asia, Canada, Europe and the USA.

The service allows you to access the wireless infrastructure using your credentials at any Italian or foreign institution adhering to Eduroam.

Similarly, Italian and foreign guests whose structure adheres to the project will be able to use their credentials to access our wireless network.

The regulation of access to the service of the Italian Eduroam Federation to which members and users must comply is available at this link: Regolamento Eduroam .

The list of the Italian institutes adhering to Eduroam can be consulted at this address: Istituti Italiani aderenti.

For a complete list of facilities that adopt eduroam you can consult this page: Where can I eduroam?.

Configuration for GSSI users

Technical requirements

In order to access the network, you must have a Wi-Fi device that supports WPA / WPA2 Enterprise authentication.

It is suggested and recommended to use the automatic configuration tool

that is the Configuration Assistant Tool: after the "Click here to download your eduroam installer" you select the organization you belong to (Gran Sasso Science Institute) and the site automatically proposes the download for the operating system in use (you can alternatively reach other installers with “Choose another installer to download”: for Linux, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, different versions of Apple macOS / OS X / iOS mobile, Android).

We also report the configurations to be done, otherwise, manually:

SSID: eduroam

Network authentication: WPA o WPA2 di tipo Enterprise

Encryption: AES

EAP type: preferably PEAP with MSCHAPv2 alternatively EAP-TTLS with PAP

Credentials: Username and password are the same as those used to access the Institute's wifi services. Username in the format

Configuration for users from other universities and research institutions

The same configuration and the same credentials they use at their universities and research institutions.

Permitted services

All services are permitted.